Growing in soil is recommended for beginners as it’s easy (no system required, just plant pots), cost effective and more forgiving compared to soil-less growing. It’s essential to get the soil right as it’s the foundation of your plant.
There’s a lot online about how hydroponic system is a much better way of growing and yes it definitely has its advantages, but it’s not for everyone. Soil growing has its own advantages also, it’s perfect for beginners especially for those who have maintained a soil garden before. It’s simple as it requires you to hand water your plants which allows you to add nutrients to the water, to help your plants thrive. Its relatively cheap compared to soil-less growing as well as more cost effective and more forgiving if you make a mistake compared to hydroponics.
One challenge soil grows are worried about is the pests that will come with it. Progrow sells soil which is 100% natural and free of harmful virus and soil diseases, so that’s one less problem to worry about. It’s important that when growing in soil the plant pots are a solid black colour, to ensure no light reaches the root. Our range of soil has plenty of nutrients to help your plant’s development in the early stages of growth.
There are different types of soil that have various properties tailored to help your plant thrive, such as: improving the products air moisture ratio, enhances root development, stimulates growth, lightness and ideal oxygen level.
When growing in soil it’s also important to get the pH and EC values of your soil correct. Bluelab Soil pH Meter is a great product that can measures Soil pH levels. We also sell Bluelab Pulse Meter which measures moisture, nutrients and temperature of the soil.
If some soil get’s too cold it can have an enormous effect on your plant, that’s why in winter we suggest you keep a 2kW Greenhouse Heater in your grow space.