As soon as you start to read anything about the subject of hydroponics you are very soon made aware of the importance of pH and EC of your nutrient solution. In hydroponics environment maintenance is key. Hydroponics gives us the ability to control these factors.
For most plants we abide by a pH of your nutrient solution of between 5.8 and 6.2 with the exception of coco fibre. This ensures optimum availability and good uptake of nutrient by the plant of all the essential elements for plant growth.
EC relates to the Electrical conductivity of your nutrient solution, when mineral salts are added to a Nutrient solution their content in the solution makes it more conductive. We are then able to gauge the relative ’strength’ of our nutrient solution this way with the aid of EC meters and measuring instruments. So, measurement devices like pH pens and EC meters are essential items for successful hydroponics. We stock a comprehensive range of measuring equipment whether thats measuring out millilitres of nutrient or precisely measuring temperature, pH and EC of your nutrient solution. Progrow have sold Bluelab’s products from the start, their devices are superbly well made and functional, you will find in tank monitors and portable devices from Bluelab, their EC Truncheon a tried and much tested product that has stood the test of time. Spare parts are provided for all Bluelab products so if you are in need of a replacement pH probe you will find it here. Our range also includes pH pens and EC meters from Eutech who also make precision combination meters for professional hydroponics applications. This section also contains all the liquids associated with pH and EC, buffer solutions for effective calibration of your equipment, storage solutions and the liquids to adjust the pH of your nutrient solution. It is often necessary to adjust the pH of your nutrient solution dependent on the water you source and the nutrients and additives you add, it may also be necessary to adjust a solution once it is in use as daily maintenance dictates. To raise the pH of a solution a dilute potassium hydroxide (pH Up) is used in small amounts, and to lower a nutrient solution a liquid pH Down is used of Phosphoric Acid, staples in any hydroponic endeavour. We also provide dry solutions from General Hydroponics Europe a somewhat less volatile solution to acids. Accurate application of concentrated feed formulas and additives is important, all our liquid measuring plastics are well made, durable and clear to read making them ideal for the harsh environment of a grow room. Progrow stock all you will need in the way of pipettes, measuring cups and jugs.