Progrows Topspin Dripper Manifold with various different fittings included. These Topspins are fitted with tee’s and elbows at 16mm and 25mm. You will also find Dripper Line replacements listed here. The ‘Top’ of Topspin stands for Twelve Outlet Pressure-Compensated.
The TopSpin is a high quality dripper manifold with 12 x 1 meter dripper lines each with a 2ltr/hr dripper stake. The TopSpin is pressure regulated meaning that you will get an equal amount of nutrient delivered from each dripper. They can be used singularly or linked together for larger applications.
To set them up, attach them to a suitable sized pump for the number of TopSpins being used and use a Filter and Non-Return Set between the pump and first TopSpin.
This TopSpin comes fitted with a 16mm (1/2ins) Elbow for use as the final manifold in a line using 16mm pipe work.
For up to 4 TopSpins use a 2000ltr per hour pump and Black LDPE Supply Tube 16mm o.d (1/2ins) and fittings.
1-2 manifolds – MJ1000 pump – 1000ltr/hour
2-4 manifolds HX4500 pump – 2000ltr/hour
4-6 manifolds Aquaking Q2007 – 3500ltr/hour
6 and more manifolds Aquaking Q4003 – 7000ltr/hour
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