Rhino Ultra Silenced EC Fan 530m3/h 150mm

SKU: b7eea2f7e54e


The Rhino Ultra Silenced EC Fan is the leading high-power fan for discreet horticultural activities. It is quiet, adaptable, and powerful. The cylindrical steel body is packed with noise-dampening foam, reducing fan’s noise  by 50%, even while running consistently at its highest speeds.

When privacy and security are the main priorities in your grow room, the Rhino Ultra Silenced fan allows you to create the perfect environment for your plants. Like the Rhino Ultra Non-Silenced fan, the Rhino Ultra Silenced EC fan affords complete control over the fan’s blade speed— from 0 to 100% – without compromising on power, airflows, or noise output. The fan’s soft start function achieves virtually silent high speeds. This state-of-the-art EC tech slowly increases the speed of the motor to its preset percentage. By increasing the motor speed slowly, it reduces the chance for motor burn-out and noise pollution. The soft start function also reduces the chance for energy surges, which suddenly overload the grow room’s electrical system. The soft start feature is an additional safety feature, providing greater peace of mind when leaving the grow environment unattended.

The Rhino Ultra Silenced fan is highly adaptable, providing more control over your grow room set-up. The fan’s built-in eyelets afford straight-forward installation. Adapters can be added to the fan to fit it to other EC Controller models. Alternatively, for a quick and easy set-up, match your Rhino Ultra Silenced fan with Rhino filters for the best air extraction and most consistent contact time with the filter’s carbon bed.

 Why Buy?

  • Provides unrivalled privacy and security due to its ultra-silent technology,
  • Greater control over the airflows and pressure required to create the perfect growing environment,
  • Operates with half the noise production as non-silenced competitors,
  • Energy efficient soft start function,
  • Easily installed using the built-in eyelets,
  • Low power consumption compared to AC fans.

 Top Tip: As this fan is built with privacy and security in mind, we recommend pairing it with the easy-to-use Rhino EC fan controllers for the ultimate low-maintenance experience.

Weight 2.6000 kg

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