Gavita Pro 270e LEP (Plasma) Supplemental Spectrum

SKU: 06360


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Plants thrive outdoors, so when you’re using only HPS lights to grow plants indoors they’re missing out on a wide proportion of the light spectrum that they would otherwise receive if they were outside.

To aid and improve upon the spectrum of light plants receive indoors, the Gavita Pro 270e LEP (Light Emitting Plasma), with the Supplemental Spectrum, would be a perfect way to achieve this. . It adds everything the HPS light is missing, taking your plants production to the next level. There is no light source like it.

With a lifetime of 50,000 hours (supplemental spectrum) the Gavita Pro 270e LEP ensures great return of investment. HPS is still a great light source as it is very efficient, but you should want both great quantity and amazing quality. HPS is for quantity, plasma is for quality.

When you use the Gavita Pro 270e LEP, you’ll notice broader leaves, tighter internodes, increased vigour and overall health of your plants, while it perfectly complements your HPS lights spectrum.

By using a special UV transmitting glass filter, your plants receive an increase in both UVA & UVB wavelengths. This will help to improve the vigour, health and growth rates of the plants, while at the same time increase the essential oil content, the flavour and aroma of the plants. No UVC or infrared radiation will be transmitted either, so you can work safely in the growroom whilst your environment stays constant.

Completely Sealed Fixture – The Gavita Pro 270e LEP is a completely sealed fixture; it’s cooled passively by the extrusions on the outside of the ballasts housing, which has been designed for optimal thermal management. The high quality white coating is durable and UV resistant. All the terminals are sealed with gaskets and the contact terminals are high quality.

Master Controller Compatible – The Gavita Pro 270e LEP is fully compatable with the Gavita Master Controllers, however as the Gavita Pro 270e LEP cannot be dimmed, the Master Controller will simply turn the fixture On or Off, without the need for an external contactor.

At only 270W’s, the Gavita Pro 270e LEP will still cover an area approximately 1.5m² but at half the wattage of a traditional 600W Metal Halide Lamp.


Product weight: 11 kg
Dimensions (L*W*H): 58 x 27 x 19 cm
Temperature case: 80 °Celsius
Temperature ambient: 0 ~ 35 °Celsius
Input voltage +/-10%: 230 – 240 V AC
Input current: 1.5 Amp typical (1,7 Amp max.)
Inrush current: <30 Amps
Power factor: 0.98
Total Harmonic Distortion: < 10%
Frequency: 50 – 60 Hz
Certification: CE
Insulation: Class 1 – requires an earth connection
Power inlet: IEC C14
External control signal: Gavita Master controller analog protocol (<11,5V
External dim connector: RJ14 connector built in (6P6C On/off only.

Weight 0.0000 kg


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