Can Q-Max EC Fan

SKU: b077672ef57d


Can Q-Max EC Fans with EC technology are a turbine or mixed flow fan with the highest aerodynamic efficiency and the best energy consumption level. This is due to the new EC technology motor, together with the 3D rotor stator system. Q-Max EC is a Max Fan Pro Series EC motor integrated in a Silencer. The powerful but silent operation of the EC fan is the result of the uniform turbulence-free air flow and the continuous, totally noise-free plug and play Can-Fan EC Controller for complete control. You can connect and control up to 10 EC motor fans at once using the Can-Fan EC Controller.

Q-Max EC is German made, compact, easy to use and easy to clean. Integrated hangers provide for an easy installation. The entire range meets the mandatory ErP requirements for all EU marketed fans. For efficient performance with the best possible results, we strongly recommend the use of Q-Max EC together with Can Filters.

Weight 13.5000 kg

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