Indoor grow tents & accessories from Progrow Hydroponics include; Pro-growroom, Bud Box, Secret Jardin, Gorilla and darkroom. From small propagation tents to 3.6m monsters! A grow tent provides a quick solution to a sealed environment for your plants. We are then able to control that environment with the addition of lighting, ‘intake’ ventilation and extraction. A convenient easy to set up solution for the indoor gardener with sizes to suit all applications including roof tents.
Propagation tents provide the perfect environment for seedlings & cuttings as well as micro-greens and herbs. Fluorescent, CFL and LED lighting systems are conveniently catered for by most tent manufacturers.
Years of development and innovation has seen incremental improvements to Indoor grow tent design. Whereby the user benefits from intake, exhaust and cable ports at ground and high level. Making the current product range of Hydroponic grow tents the best available. Both Bud-Box and Secret Jardin are continually revising their ranges based on testing and real world experience.