China/SE Asia International Air Express | Rest Of The World International Air Express | Rest Of The World International Air Express | Rest Of The Worl International Air Express |
Bangladesh | Algeria | Israel | St Lucia |
Cambodia | American | Ivory Coast | St Vincent |
China | Samoa | Jamaica | Sudan |
Hong Kong | Anguila | Japan | Surinam |
India | Antigua & Barbuda | SomeText | Swaziland |
Malaysia | Argentina | SomeText | Syria |
Myanmar | Armenia | Jordan | Tahiti |
Nepal | Aruba | Kazakhstan | Taiwan |
North Korea | Australia | Kenya | Tajikistan |
Pakistan | Bahamas | Kiribati | Tanzania |
Singapore | Bahrain | Kuwait | Togo |
South Korea | Barbados | Kyrgyzstan | Tonga |
Thailand | Belize | Lebanon | Trinidad |
Vietnam | Benin | Liberia | Tobago |
Bermuda | Libya | Tunisia | |
Bhutan | Macau | Turkmenistan | |
Bolivia | Madagascar | Turks & Caicos | |
Bolivia | Malawi | Tuvala | |
Brazil | Maldives | UAE | |
Brunei | Mali | Uganda | |
Burkina Faso | Marshall Islands | United States | |
Burundi | Martinique | Uruguay | |
Cameroon | Mauritania | Uzbekistan | |
Canada | Mauritius | Vanatu | |
Cape Verde | Mexico | Venezuela | |
Cayman Islands | Micronesia Islands | Virgin Islands | |
Chad | Mongolia | Yemen | |
Chile | Montserrat | Zambia | |
Colombia | Morocco | Zimbabwe | |
Comoros Islands | Mozambique | ||
Congo | Namibia | ||
Cook Islands | Nauru | ||
Costa | Netherlands | ||
Rica | SomeText | ||
Cuba | Antilles | ||
Djibouti | New Caledonia | ||
Dominica | New Zealand | ||
Dominican Republic | Nicaragua | ||
Ecuador | Niger | ||
Egypt | SomeText | ||
El Salvador | Niue Island | ||
Equatorial Guinea | Norfolk Island | ||
Eritrea | Northern Mariana Islands | ||
Ethiopia | Oman | ||
Fiji Islands | Palau | ||
French Guyana | Panama | ||
Gabon | Papua New Guinea | ||
Gambia | Paraguay | ||
Georgia | Peru | ||
Ghana | Phillipines | ||
Grenada | Puerto Rico | ||
Guadeloupe | SomeText | ||
Guam | Qatar | ||
Guatemala | Reunion Island | ||
Haiti | Samoa | ||
Honduras | Saudi | ||
Indonesia | Arabia | ||
Iran | Senegal | ||
Iraq | Seychelles | ||
Honduras | Sierra Leone | ||
Honduras | Solomon Islands | ||
Honduras | South Afirca | ||
Honduras | Sri Lanka | ||
Honduras | St Kitts & Nevis |
International Shipping Costs Ex VAT
Total weight of order in kg | China/SE Asia | Rest Of The World |
1-5 | £42.29 | £53.29 |
6 | £44.59 | £55.70 |
7 | £48.89 | £58.11 |
8 | £49.19 | £60.52 |
9 | £51.49 | £62.93 |
10 | £53.79 | £65.34 |
11 | £56.09 | £67.75 |
12 | £58.39 | £70.16 |
13 | £60.69 | £72.57 |
14 | £62.99 | £74.98 |
15 | £65.29 | £77.39 |
16 | £67.59 | £79.80 |
17 | £69.89 | £82.21 |
18 | £72.19 | £84.62 |
19 | £74.49 | £87.03 |
20 | £76.79 | £89.44 |
21 | £79.09 | £91.85 |
22 | £81.39 | £94.62 |
23 | £83.69 | £96.67 |
24 | £85.99 | £99.08 |
25 | £88.29 | £101.49 |
26 | £90.59 | £103.90 |
27 | £92.89 | £106.31 |
28 | £95.19 | £108.72 |
29 | £97.49 | £111.13 |
30 | £99.79 | £113.54 |
31 | £102.09 | £115.95 |
32 | £104.39 | £118.36 |
33 | £106.69 | £120.77 |
34 | £108.99 | £123.18 |
35 | £111.29 | £125.59 |
36 | £113.59 | £128.00 |
37 | £115.89 | £130.41 |
38 | £118.19 | £132.82 |
39 | £120.49 | £135.23 |
40 | £122.79 | £137.64 |
41 | £125.09 | £140.05 |
42 | £127.39 | £142.46 |
43 | £129.69 | £144.87 |
44 | £131.99 | £147.28 |
45 | £134.29 | £149.69 |
46 | £136.59 | £152.10 |
47 | £138.89 | £154.51 |
48 | £141.19 | £156.92 |
49 | £143.49 | £159.33 |
50 | £145.79 | £161.74 |
51 | £148.09 | £164.15 |
52 | £150.39 | £166.56 |
53 | £152.69 | £168.97 |
54 | £154.99 | £171.38 |
55 | £157.29 | £173.79 |
56 | £159.59 | £176.20 |
57 | £161.89 | £178.61 |
58 | £164.19 | £181.02 |
59 | £166.49 | £183.43 |
60 | £168.79 | £185.84 |
61 | £171.09 | £188.25 |
62 | £173.39 | £190.66 |
63 | £175.69 | £193.07 |
64 | £177.99 | £195.48 |
65 | £180.29 | £197.89 |
66 | £182.59 | £200.30 |
67 | £184.89 | £202.71 |
68 | £187.19 | £205.12 |
69 | £189.49 | £207.53 |
70 | £191.79 | £209.94 |
71 | £194.09 | £212.35 |
72 | £196.39 | £214.76 |
73 | £198.69 | £217.17 |
74 | £200.99 | £219.58 |
75 | £203.29 | £221.99 |
76 | £205.59 | £224.40 |
77 | £207.89 | £226.81 |
78 | £210.19 | £229.22 |
79 | £212.49 | £231.63 |
80 | £214.79 | £234.04 |
81 | £217.09 | £236.45 |
82 | £219.39 | £238.86 |
83 | £221.69 | £241.27 |
84 | £223.99 | £243.68 |
85 | £226.29 | £246.09 |
86 | £228.59 | £248.50 |
87 | £230.89 | £250.91 |
88 | £233.19 | £253.32 |
89 | £235.49 | £255.73 |
90 | £237.79 | £258.14 |
91 | £240.09 | £260.55 |
92 | £242.39 | £262.96 |
93 | £244.69 | £265.37 |
94 | £246.99 | £267.78 |
95 | £249.29 | £270.19 |
96 | £251.59 | £272.60 |
97 | £253.89 | £275.01 |
98 | £256.19 | £277.42 |
99 | £258.49 | £279.83 |
100 | £260.79 | £282.24 |
Above 100kg | £2.19 per 1kg | £2.30 per 1kg |
European and International shipping costs are initially calculated by
weight, however, if after packing the volumetric weight of your consignment is the higher value you will be charged
for the volumetric weight. You will always be notified if your order is subject to volumetric weight charges. The
volumetric weight of a parcel is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of the parcel in
centimeters and then dividing the total by 6000. This figure is the volumetric weight in Kilos.